8 months today... We're wrestling right now. The initial romance is "wearing off" and we are beginning to see each other for who we are, and where we come from. There's a lot of crap in both of our stories that is affecting how we relate right now. Truth be told, I have been very discouraged lately. Just trying to figure out what's healthy, and how to let God lead this. My heart has wanted to be so prideful lately, pointing out all her faults. I have heard about plenty of mine, and there are many more that remain unspoken. I don't know what it's going to look like, but we're learning to be honest. I need to find some clarity, and some peace. We're going to grab a bite tonight, and continue to talk and listen. Maybe after we can dump our feelings and observations out on the table, we can begin to sort through the mess, and find beauty. It's there, somewhere. What it will look like, I don't know, but right now, it feels like a Pollock...