Today is my day off. I'm sitting in the back of Stumptown Coffee, reading Google News and alternately conversing with my good friend and former roommate Jake. And I am bored. I've been busy lately, working doubles, running errands, hanging out. But I am still bored.
Wikipedia defines boredom thus:
"Boredom is a state of mind in which one interprets one's environment as dull, tedious, and lacking stimuli. There is an inherent anxiety in boredom; people will expend considerable effort to prevent or remedy it, yet in many circumstances it is accepted as an inevitable suffering to be endured."
I feel that anxiety. I need to fill my time with something, some purpose. I guess, in a small way, this blog is an attempt at preventing/easing/remedying my boredom.
On a grander scale, however, I just miss school. I miss being forced to consider issues and write 'lofty' papers on theology or social issues. I miss reading thick books with lots of things to say.
I suppose my boredom stems from laziness. I need to challenge myself more while I am not in school. To that end, I've been trying to read "The Sun Also Rises" by Hemingway. It hasn't held my attention. I've started and put down a few other books, as well.
I'm thinking of writing some kind of memoir. Talking about life up til now, and pondering it a little along the way. A Donald Miller-esque work, I suppose.
Well, my coffee's getting cold and I am bored writing this, so I'm going now.
adam, i love you brother! i am going to call you right now!
Keep reading The Sun Also Rises. It starts terribly slow but once people start getting punched in the face, fishing in Pamplona, and running drunk down Spanish streets from livid bulls, your boredom will subside my good friend. Much Love.
You're right, Trippe... The book was great once the Festival started! And the end was very unsatisfying, but that's Hemingway for you. Coffee was good today. Much Love Returned.
Have you discovered what Hemingway joked the subtitle for the book was?
Nope, what is it?
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