I just read several articles from Google News regarding a "Christian" rally in downtown San Francisco, and I am disgusted. I am not disgusted with the press. I don't believe they made the protesters look foolish, or made them look anything. I believe these people made themselves look foolish, and they made Jesus look like the biggest jerk in history.
Comedians were cracking jokes about athiests. The speakers were telling the crowd how to have a superiority complex over gays and lesbians and athiests and the like, declaring a "culture war" and sounding a "battle cry."
I checked out the website for the event, and it all looks like marketing and profiteering to me. Tickets were upwards of $60 bucks a pop, almost $100 at the door!Justifying their merch sales as offering "products with a conscience," I wonder what kind of royalties the speakers made off this?
I'm not saying I have the corner on how to model Christ's love for people. I'm not saying I'm pro-gay. I've not back-slidden. But I definitely want to distance myself from people like this. People who contradict themselves by one minute firing war rhetoric, and the next minute saying they "love the sinner."
If you love the sinner, quit all the fancy showmanship and rallies! Quit expecting a post- or even pre-Christian culture to act Christian, and love them as individuals, where they are. Fighting a culture war gets you labeled as a bigot and a hater. It does nothing to prove to anyone that you love them.
If I wasn't mistaken, someone said, "They will know we are Christians by our love." Interesting thought. Here's the article:
After further reading online, here's a piece about the Philadelphia version of this rally:
Hey Bud! Yeah I heard a little bit about this thing on npr and you and I share very much the same sentiment. Why is it that we are declaring war when the one who commisioned us into His service gave up His life? Why is it when we are told that we should bless those who curse us, that we mock and scorn back? Why is that the people who are called to carry the message of reconciliation are the ones now cementing the wedege in further? Father forgive us, for we know not what we do...
Thank you Adam for sending my your blog site. I am so proud of you for all you have accomplished. You are an out standing human being. Something in your background helped you be who you are. We all have doubts and fears and yet when you are as old as I am you will know that whatever happens you can make it, you just have to believe that God loves you and you are looked after.
After all the doubts and tears and prayers about your Uncle Al, I know the power of prayer. I also know that things never happen in "your" time. That is the hardest part. I always knew that Uncle Al would pull out of it, but it didn't happen may way and it took far to long. It did happen though and as of now he has been clean since Nov., he is in love and supporting himself. Truthfully I had given up hope. I was just to negative, my fault I admit. I had had enough. He's back, he is my son and we actually having wonderful conversations. Who knew!
So hang in there Babe, your life will turn out wonderfully. I just know it. Just keeping believing and praying, things will happen.
I love you so much!
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