Lilies and Sparrows - A recap...
My car has been in the shop for a week. The fuel pump was shot, which meant a repair over $550. Definitely a curveball. The Lord is good to me, though, and my mechanic was paid. I was the recipient of grace. I've been reading in the Sermon on the Mount lately, and Jesus's words are at once very comforting, and very scary. They are always counterintuitive and counter-cultural. He tells people not to work for riches here, in this life, but to store up treasure in heaven. In the next breath, he points out the lilies and the sparrows, telling us not to worry. I'm in no danger of acquiring much earthly treasure. I live pretty hand to mouth, and for the most part, I'm content (I would like a new MacBook, but I'm doing okay with what I have!). Not worrying is the hard part for me, especially when stuff like a fuel pump happens. But he proves himself over and over to be right! So far, I have fared much much better than the birds and flowers, and I have a hunch that will continue to be the case!
Today and Tomorrow... A Look Ahead?
I leave for New Orleans in a week! Scary to think that there's so much yet to do (I can resonate with Steve and Stephanie Allen, though on a MUCH smaller scale!). I don't feel ready in the least. It's weird to think that I am going to a disaster area, and it's practically in my backyard. The chef at work was giving me a hard time the other day. He's half black, half Mexican, and his family has roots in Alabama. He doesn't think a white boy like me with a smile as big as a soccer goal will do much more than offend half the people of the Lower Ninth. He thinks that all I'm gonna do is "roll in with my Abercrombie, and be that white boy that thinks he's all that..." I am fervently praying that that is NOT how I am recieved or percieved. I am going just to hear stories, give out hugs and build a house. I pray that I won't come off as "Abercrombie", but as Jesus.
As I prepare to go, I would appreciate a LOT of prayer... Pray that I am open. I have a sort of "agenda" for this trip, to explore New Orleans as a possible long-term destination. Pray that I am able to relax that focus, and save the analyzing and decisions for a few weeks after the trip, once I've had time to come home and process. Pray that money comes in. I don't know where I am at as far as sponsor donations***, but I'm having a hard time scrounging up my portion of the expenses. I'm working straight doubles until we leave, and God has been gracious to me. I still need to pay rent, car insurance and my cell phone before I leave, as well. Lilies and Sparrows - and much prayer. Pray that I would be bold, but not cocky. I can't imagine what these people have gone through and are going through now. I don't have much to give, but I have Jesus, and maybe there's someone down there that wants to meet him. I don't want to shy from that, but I don't want to overpower, either. Pray for our leaders: Matt and Amy, Tami, Dan and Jenny... Wisdom, strength, courage, rest and inspiration. They will be working just as hard, if not harder, than us. Pray for Mike and Susanne. They are hosting us (in a way) while we're there. Mike travels a ton, and I know they're tired. Pray that we could minister to them while we're there.
I'm exhausted, and close to the pillow. More to come soon... Thank you.
***If you'd like to donate, send a check to the church with "New Orleans - Adam Nevins" in the memo. Their address is: 15815 SE 37th ST Bellevue, WA 98006
(My donor letter is below, if you'd like to read it... Cheers!)
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