So here we are, officially into Autumn. September 21 flew by, and as Summer stomped out the front door here in Portland, Autumn - that chilly, but oh-so-beautiful lady - sauntered in through the kitchen door that someone left open to catch the evening breeze. She has settled comfortably here in my neighborhood. I am beginning to see hints of oranges and reds. Soon, the trees will be the color of fire, and leaves will lose their grip on the twigs and brances where they live, and sashay a meandering path toward the ground, heeding the beckoning call of gravity, the sweeping of the rake, and the giggling that accompanies little bodies crashing into piles of the things.
As my time in Portland wanes, I feel like a Jackson Pollock of thoughts, whispered prayers, emotions. Sleepless nights and some mornings I can't get out of bed. I am wondering how to make sense of so much coming at me at once... Life is splattering all over my canvas, and all I can do is trust that the Artist knows what he's doing. I'll assuage fears right now - I am not depressed or unwell - just a bit overloaded. I feel a heavy weight to what I am preparing for, and I want to prepare well.
Somehow, despite my best efforts at progress, I feel as though the shore will never be reached. I am still treading water somewhere over the Marianas Trench. I am wrestling through setting a realistic budget, and though that is almost in place, the actual income versus projected is looking like the emaciated cows of Joseph's prophetic dream. More to come, as I am exhausted writing this much already...
Hey Adam, thanks for the post, praying for you even though I've never met you before. I know how it is to go into challenging and unknown seasons, they are both scary and exciting. God bless you bro.
thanks, nathaniel! i appreciate the prayer, and the camaraderie...
i'll be in NZ in january for my best friend's wedding (in nelson). i'm probably flying through auckland, and definitely going to travel around the islands before/after. i'd love to make it to wellington and get together... keep you updated!
Cool, It would be cool to meet up! Do keep me informed!
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