Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hello, Bellevue.

Bellevue. This town, this place - it's wonderful being home, though a bit unsettling, as well. I find myself looking over my shoulder often, wondering if I will have the pleasure/horror of running into someone I used to know. Will I recognize them? Will they ignore me? Will it be awkward?

I've gone and left this place behind. There's so much history here; tragedy and comedy, dark days and beautiful nights. When I return, I can't help but remember. I have yet to drive down my old streets and see the houses where I used to live. It's difficult to remember sometimes - I have scabs that I'm not ready to pick yet.

I've spent much time pondering my life in the last few weeks. Who was I, who am I, and who am I becoming? Where am I going? Will I ever be out of debt? When am I going back to school, and where? Where are Saralyn and I in our relationship? Where should we be? How do I model Christ to the people I work with, when I am so scattered I can barely see him? I feel like a soul in Limbo - neither here nor there. I have no city, no true home on this earth.

I can't honestly and objectively answer these questions right now. Now, I'm not having a quarter-life crisis. I will not be jumping into a cult, eloping with my girlfriend or selling a kidney (or worse) for debt relief. I'm just beginning to think a little more. I want my decisions and my relationships and focus to be weighty, heavy with meaning and impact. I want my life to count.

So I will keep on living, asking questions. I doubt I'll ever answer them all, but the beauty and the learning and painful growth is in the search.


Unknown said...

Hey man, are you in the area, or back in Portland?


adam said...

Hey, Owen! Alas, as I write this response, I am in uptown Portland, at a 24-hour Starbuck's... I wish I was still in 'the area'!

Why don't you open up your profile and blog for me to see?

Unknown said...

I don't have any of that other stuff, just a login.

I'll give you a call sometime. Press on!


Society's Elite said...

"24-hour Starbuck's"

now THAT sounds like a place i'd visit frequently... although it wouldn't be good on my bank account to be buying all those cafe mocha's so often... i'd probably go broke...